What I Stand For

We believe that our government should constantly be asking itself these three important questions:
What are we doing to include all voices in the process of government decision-making?
What systems do we have in place that to hold our city representatives and government agencies fully accountable?
How can we remove the unnecessary barriers to our city’s resources and services?
During our time in office, we have made huge strides in changing the way business is done in the City of Boston in four main areas: Accessibility, Accountability, Transparency, and Civic Engagement. Here is some of what we’ve achieved:
​Filed and passed a language access ordinance that expands existing laws to provide more services to people who speak languages other than English.
Organized a hearing on language barriers faced by non-English speakers during COVID-19 that, for the first time ever, provided real-time translation into Spanish, Haitian Creole, Cantonese, and Mandarin.
Hosted over 50 events broadcasted on Zoom and Facebook Live, with recordings being stored on our Facebook page.
Held a hearing on public hearings to better understand the barriers that prevent constituents from participating.